February 10, 2010

Snow in Auburn!!!

I cannot believe we've gotten snow in Auburn the past three years...even if it was just a dusting in 2008! Yes, my cousins in Minneapolis would be laughing hysterically at us getting excited at 3 inches of snow, but it's no small feat for the deep south! We drove around campus and enjoyed watching the students playing in the snow. If only it had snowed while we were students. The above picture is our tailgate spot. We'll have to remember that when we're sweating to death for the first tailgate in September!

Luke enjoyed the snow in small increments. Poor thing, he got cold and wet and could only stand it for so long. But he did enjoy building a snowman, complete with one of his pacifiers that he just gave up! Yea for no more pacifiers! Tim even built Luke a snow fort which was destroyed by Dansby a short while later. Gigi came down to experience the snow with us. She made her "famous" snow ice cream! We had a blast! What is it about snow that makes us all feel like kids again?