August 18, 2010

The Library

Ok, I'm not just writing this because I'm a librarian, but I love our public library, or as Luke would say "liberby"! Every Thursday, our local public library has toddler time where one of the librarians reads a book based on a theme. We also make a craft and sing songs. One week we learned about pirates and ships, another week we practiced our numbers, etc. It's so much fun! Then, we get to explore the library and check out new books. Right now Luke loves reading Curious George and gets tickled at the books, saying George is funny! He also loves Brown Bear and Llama Llama and can somewhat read the stories to us. He has two Auburn books that he likes to read as well as his big brother book that gives him the low down on being a good big brother. So, I encourage you to go and "check out" your public library! It's a great place to go when it's extremely hot or cold outside and the best part is that it's free! As a librarian, I can assure you that the students that come and read books on a regular basis have a much broader vocabulary and are generally smarter than non-readers.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I so need to get a library card! It is right around the corner from our house.